declaring false emergencies where there are none in the name of control and money
Once again, the WHO has declared a Public Health (false) Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC, aka fake) but this time in regards to mpox, just like they did with “COVID”. They did it on August 14th.

For the people who don’t know the history of mpox (monkey pox). In 1958, there was an attempt to create a polio vaccine where a lab used monkeys as their test subjects. After the monkeys were exposed to this vaccine, some of the monkeys started to develop skin symptoms, and that is how mpox was born. It had nothing to do with any alleged “virus” which will be apparent later, it was simply a classic reclassification of existing symptoms into a new label. Historically, they’ve done this with polio, smallpox, and a myriad of different diseases for various reasons; one reason is to make a vaccine look successful in its alleged “eradication” of a disease. Another reason is to promote the production of new vaccines, I’m sure there are other reasons too.
What should be understood here is that the symptoms attributed to mpox are the same symptoms that are attributed to measles, smallpox, and chickenpox. If one looks at the history of these various diseases, it becomes very apparent that the doctors cannot determine what is what based on the visual symptoms alone since they are non-specific; it requires a test to determine what is what.
Peope should know that so-called “antibody” tests are non-specific and entirely meaningless regardless of whether a “virus” would exist, which there is no evidence for. A PCR cannot be used for the simple reason that it’s not a diagnostic test, it’s a research tool to make copies of “genetic” material, just like a Xerox machine makes copies of paper. The PCR cannot determine the origin of the targeted sequence, just like a Xerox machine cannot determine the origin of a paper. Not only that but a PCR cannot determine if you are sick, if you will become sick or if you have been sick, it’s totally meaningless.
In 2022, Kate Sugak made a documentary about smallpox. The reason I highlight this is because it goes through the history of smallpox, where it becomes very clear to the viewer that all these labels are misleading, and that also shows how smallpox was split up into measles and chickenpox, which is very relevant to the origin story of mpox.
Here is a short description of the documentary:
“Smallpox. Just this word alone makes us shiver. In 1958, despite the Cold War, the Soviet Union, the United States and other countries united to rid the world’s population of this terrible disease. All conflicts and turmoil between the heads of these powers were set aside in order to focus joint efforts on vaccine production and supply, especially to developing countries, where the problem of smallpox was of greater concern to them than hunger, water pollution and lack of necessary resources.
It was smallpox and the massive campaign of its “eradication” it that finally popularized vaccination even in the most remote corners of our world, and vaccine advocates always pull out the trump card of smallpox “eradication” in debates with those who doubt the necessity of these procedures.
This video dispels not only the popular myth about the existence of the smallpox virus, but also the myth about the existence of smallpox as an independent disease and its “eradication”.”
The best part I left for last. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of the alleged mpox “virus”, which is also acknowledged by the CDC. In 2022, Christine Massey sent a Freedom of Information request to the CDC, where they admitted that they had no documents for an isolated and purified mpox “virus”. It can be read here.
More information regarding the nonsense of mpox can be found here.
To get up to speed on the nonsense in “virology,” I highly recommend you check out my education package here, which has lots of source material in both text and video.
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