“Virology” rise and fall on one big assumption
How can “virologists” assert that “viruses” require cells to replicate if they have never found what they think are “viruses” in samples taken directly from […]
How can “virologists” assert that “viruses” require cells to replicate if they have never found what they think are “viruses” in samples taken directly from […]
This past year and a half people like myself have been sharing information that challenge the scientific foundation of “virology” and the idea of “viruses”. […]
Not until recently have I been able to understand that what we consider “the book of life” aka DNA actually is not what we think […]
Art by KMA In order to deal with the topic of “virology” and the existence of “viruses” we first need to answer the simple question, […]
Listen to all episodes of Truthiverse (especially the ones YT takes down!) at http://truthiverse.comThis episode is a deep dive into the crisis of truth and […]
In 1986 the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was created as a direct result of the many lawsuits that the vaccine manufacturers were having as […]
Who Is Bill Gates? Watch on BitChute / LBRY / Minds.com / YouTube or Download video / Download audio TRANSCRIPT Skip to Part One / […]
Updated: 2024-10-02 In this article I present information that refutes the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” but it also include information that challenge all alleged […]
Here are links to go through if people are interested in understanding the issue of evidence-based nutrition and how the meat, egg and dairy industries […]
By Brendan D. Murphy Today Science is up on a pedestal. A new god has appeared; his high priests conduct the rituals, with nuclear reactors, […]