DIN ÅSIKT 2021 11 27
Samtliga videor som jag har gjort eller deltagit i som gäst, finner du enklast i nedanstående länk.https://honesty4u.wordpress.com/videos/ Demokratisk sanning är alltid svårt att hantera för […]
Samtliga videor som jag har gjort eller deltagit i som gäst, finner du enklast i nedanstående länk.https://honesty4u.wordpress.com/videos/ Demokratisk sanning är alltid svårt att hantera för […]
There is not a single scientific study published anywhere that shows an isolated(separated from everything else) “virus” from a sample taken directly from a human, […]
Examining the myth and pseudoscience of virology and genetics with John Blaid. View on Odysee
I will update this as my research continues if I feel that there is something that needs to be added. If people are interested in […]
During this past year and a half where I have spent countless of hours debating and explaining things to people, it has also pushed me […]
Here is a fictional story about police officers working like “virologists”. *A police officer has reached a conclusion after an investigation into a recent mass […]
Nigel Howitt interviews John Blaid on the evidence that disproves germ theory and the evidence that supports terrain theory. John has spent the past 18 […]
END GENOCIDE NOW is a campaign that aims to enlighten people about the mechanisms and manuscripts of tyranny, as well as the remedies for sovereignty. […]
These are some of the unproven assumptions that I have come to learn through my research that shows that “virology” lack a scientific foundation where […]
END GENOCIDE NOW is a campaign that aims to enlighten people about the mechanisms and manuscripts of tyranny, as well as the remedies for sovereignty. […]